Home - Aura Colors
What Do Your Aura Colors Reveal About You?
Your personal aura colors can help you have everything you desire – love, money, success, perfect health, fulfillment and more…
New Consciousness

We are in important and transformational times! Experience new Advanced Abilities, Telepathy, Parallel Universes, Energy Fields, Past Lives and more.


What Do Your Aura Colors Reveal About You?
Your personal aura colors can help you have everything you desire – love, money, success, perfect health, fulfillment and more…


New Consciousness

We are in important and transformational times! Experience new Advanced Abilities, Telepathy, Parallel Universes, Energy Fields, Past Lives and more.


What is an Aura?

We all emit energy, an aura. Science calls it an electromagnetic or energy field. Even if we can’t see this energy, we’ve all felt it – we’ve felt instantly comfortable or drawn to someone but uncomfortable around someone else. We’re sensing the energy they’re radiating, the energy that is emanating from them.…

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What Does the Aura Look like?

The aura is a glowing light that radiates off the body, similar to a light radiating from a light bulb. Some auras are a soft, gentle light. Others have a strong and vibrant light. Most people have about six feet of many different colored bands of light in their aura.The outer bands in the aura change all the time – depending on what is happening in the person’s life at that time…

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Why is it Helpful to Know Your Aura Colors?

Knowing your life colors (your main aura colors) can validate what you’ve always felt about yourself. Then you can allow yourself to be who you really are. You can live your true colors and be authentically happy rather than suppress your true nature, which causes unhappiness…

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Do My Aura Colors Change?

The outer bands in the aura change frequently – depending on what’s going on with you at the time. The main two Life Colors typically do not change. They reflect the plan you have for your life – what you intend to do here, your personality, the theme you’ve chosen for this lifetime and more…

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Can I Learn to See Auras?

We all came into this lifetime with the ability to see the aura. As we grew older, we learned not to see it. Infants and animals still see the aura because they have not been taught otherwise…

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Do animals have auras?

Animals have either a silver-blue aura – which means the animal believes he or she is an animal; or a golden-yellow aura – which means the animal believes he or she is a person. Remember, there are no good or bad, better than or worse than aura colors…

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Pam on The View national
Pam Oslie at TEDxAmericanRiviera
A Closer Look At What Your Aura Colors Reveal
& How They Influence Your Life…
What you can discover through Aura Colors courses
Your Aura Colors

Learn how your personal aura colors can help you have everything you desire – love, money, success, perfect health, fulfillment and more… You’re radiating energy and broadcasting who you are all…

Upcoming Special Event

Listen to Pam’s Radio Show with her special guest as they discuss interesting, life-changing and inspiring topics. Tune in each Sunday from 8:00 – 9:00 am PT. Please listen on AuraColors.com or 1290 AM Santa Barbara

Develop Expanded Consciousness

We are in important and transformational times!

Explore telepathy, parallel universes, telekinesis, energy fields, past lives, and more.

Books, Courses, and Meditations
Enjoy the many positive resources available to you to help you navigate your life journey. All are designed to help you evolve, transform, and be happy!
Enjoy a private psychic session with Pam
Enjoy a private session with Pam as she also uses her ability to see and sense the human aura to obtain helpful, life altering information for her clients.
Read Pam’s Blog
Discover Your Aura Color Life Purpose,  and MORE ...
Pamala Oslie is at the forefront of a valuable and innovative approach to understanding people and their different personality types. Her unique information is incredibly insightful and accurate. Pamala is very professional in her presentation and in dealing with people, and was rated one of the top speakers at the International Forum on New Science.

Robert L. Siblerud
- Executive Vice President International Association of New Science
I sincerely recommend Life Colors to anyone interested in the meaning and power of our aura colors and how that knowledge might apply to your life, love, and your real work out in the world.

Kenny Loggins
- Grammy-award winner, singer & songwriter
Relationships are like movies - once you have the story, it's all in the casting. If you want your story to be a happy one, get your own act together first, and then find the right costar. Love Colors is the place to start.

Jeff Arch
- Academy Award-nominated screenwriter of Sleepless in Seattle
I'm amazed at Pamala's accuracy and insightfulness. The information she has on the aura colors can profoundly impact people - and I've seen it happen.

Anthony Edwards
- Golden Globe Award-winning actor
Become an Aura Colors Member starting at just $3.95 and join those who are benefiting from amazing information and helpful products on a variety of topics.
Welcome to the fascinating world of auras!
Did you know that the colors in your energy field, your aura, reveal a lot of important information about you? You have the keys to know how to live your best, most amazing life right inside your aura. You’re carrying around your own personal how-to manual, your own life map. You can discover a lot about yourself and how you can live a happy and fulfilling life once you discover what your personal aura colors are and what they reveal about you.
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Starting at just $3.95/a month you get access to hours of wisdom and guidance from hundreds of experts interviewed on Pam's Radio Show.
Yes! Your answers and your unique keys to success and life fulfillment are found in your own personal aura! You have the specific steps and directions that will lead you to your best life path already inside you and they are revealed in the colors of your aura.
course list
View some of our life changing courses!
Beginners Course
In this fun Beginners Aura Colors Course, aura expert Pam Oslie guides you on your adventure through each of the fourteen aura color personalities via a series of videos.
Personal Aura Colors Courses
Each Personal Aura Color Course provides more in depth information and a greater understanding of that specific Aura Color.
Premium Aura Color Courses
This program offers you specific personal tools and in depth insights that can help guide you on your life path.
Practitioner Aura Course
People around the world are using Pam’s Aura Color System to help their clients, patients, and students. Now you can become a certified Aura Colors Practitioner and increase your skills to help people.
Quantum Leap E-Course
The purpose for this course is to help you see and EXPERIENCE yourself, your life, and “reality” in a more expansive manner – one that can bring greater freedom, love and joy into your life.
Take The Free Aura Colors Quiz Now!
Take this simple quiz and find out how your aura colors affect your life.
Aura Colors
 © 2015 Aura Colors

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